Text language allowed in exams ! Huh! Biar betul ? Nampak gayanya segala benda boleh di New Zealand ni. Walaupun banyak pihak yang membantah tapi as at today, the ‘text generation’ are allowed to use their abbreviated form of language in some school exams.
Cuba bayangkan jika perkataan di dalam gambar kat bawah ni diguna pakai di dalam exam. Tak ker pening kepala pemeriksa lebih-lebih lagi bagi orang lama.

Hmm … apa sajalah Labu … yang penting bahagia.
Ahau - Dee
If my students do that, siap la i abbreviate marks dia orang.
I think guys would welcome that, coz depa ni malas skit nak menulis (speaking from experience)But to have that implemented, the teachers and students have to sit down and discuss all the probables of many other words that can be abbreviated. Like Mas, I too would do a short cut on their marks.
Tu dia! Cikgu-cikgu dah bersuara ... he he he
Baru-baru ni my niece sent me email ... mak datuk, punyalah susah nak baca. Semuanya di abbreviated kan. Sampai kena baca berkali-kali.
So wiz,
pompuan pun malas gak ... ha ha ha
Yes I agree with you that pompuan pun malas gak, but not in writing. They write as much as they talk.
Ha ha ha : )
When it comes to sms-abbreviation, it's a thin line between berjimat and kedekut, is it not? Nak jugak squeeze 160 characters per sms sampai orang tak faham. Jimat lah tu konon. Sudahnya most of the times kena call jugak sebab dah tak faham sangat.
I have these rules for myself: if it is a short message...tulis penuh. Even the words YOU and ARE instead of U R. And I capitalize first letter, first word of every sentence. I like it when the messages look nice and proper.
Call me silly all you want, but for 12 sen per sms...I'd stand behind my principle. Chewah!
Paling menyampah bila orang tulis email macam tulis sms. Replacing the word not/tidak with an 'x', for instance. Don't get me started on some people yang dah kononnya ada PhD tapi tak reti-reti guna punctuations and paragraphs (in emails).
Todia! Cik main berapi-api lagi mengomen. Sampai dah tak menjawap soalan pulak. Format dah lari lah, Enida. Ahak ahak.
I always admire the way you see things and your thoughts.Sebab tu lah I ni peminat blog you yang setia ... che wah!I admire your hand writting too ... dari sekolah sampai sekarang.
Cakap pasal paragraphs ni, my current boss pun macam tu jugak. Tulis panjang berjela tapi in one paragraph.
Itu bapak kepala kantor tuh. He he he
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