Sepanjang hari terakhir di pejabat Ahau-Dee cuba untuk tidak menunjukkan kesedihan. Tiba-tiba semua Admin staff di CCS (di mana terletaknya pejabat Ahau-Dee) masuk ke dalam pejabat Ahau-Dee untuk mengucapkan Selamat Tinggal dan menghadiahkan buku 'New Zealand' yang mengandungi gambar-gambar menarik di New Zealand. Aduh! Terharu sungguh!!!
Selepas memberi farewell speech dan bergambar kenangan dengan semua orang, Ahau-Dee terima pula email di bawah ini yang di hantar oleh Tania - terus ... (anda pasti dapat mengagak apa yang berlaku jika berada di tempat Ahau-Dee selepas membaca email ini)
I’m getting sad now…. Don’t want to call you because I’ll probably cry…
I really cannot say enough thanks to you Zahidi, you are truly a fantastic person who has such a natural facilitator/trainer talent. You have really been a great inspiration with your goal, I do hope I can achieve something similar, I’m sure all I have to do when I want to eat something bad or not want to exercise is think ‘What would Zahidi have done’!!!!!! hee hee hee hee..
Have a FANTASTIC holiday down in the South Island , you will have a wonderful time. And don’t forget, try and login and update some pictures of you on your facebook… Enjoy our beautiful country that we live in. Oh, and do you mind emailing me through some of the pictures from lastnight (the one of you and me, and then the group photo, oh and the one of you, me, Heather and Nikki)… If you don’t mind that is!!
OK – now I’m getting sad and starting to cry.. Not good, my make-up is going to get mucked up!!! Ha ha… OK…. I really don’t know what else to say, but thanks.. Thanks for being a great person. Thanks for being a great listener. Thanks for all of your wonderful guidance in making me a better and more effective trainer. Thanks for your smile that just brightens up the day. Thanks for always being so motivated and positive – our Monday team meetings just won’t be the same without you. Thanks for being persistent in getting our training for the TIL group up and running, it’s been such a positive impact on the business. Thanks for making me laugh when I’m down. Thanks for your friendship, you’re a true gentleman. Thanks for making me your photographer, it’s been fun (and hopefully I’ve been a good photographer too!). Thanks for sharing all of your wonderful knowledge, you have so much stored in that brain of yours! Thanks for being so organised, the handover has been made easy with you being so organised. Thanks for all of your wonderful comments, you sure know how to make someone feel good. Thanks for all of our fun times that we’ve had, in Auckland , driving to Hamilton , Hamilton, Palmy North, Nelson, Christchurch and Dunedin , you’ve been a great travelling companion. And finally, thanks for being you Zahidi. Please don’t forget all of these wonderful things and comments when you’re feeling down. You are a great person who has made such a positive impact to us NZers…
Well I’m going to sign off now, but this won’t be good-bye, just until we talk/email again.
Have fun and keep smiling.
Tania Roberts
Kembara Ahau-Dee
hello bro,
i've been following your blog for the past 3 weeks.. i don't quite remember macamana boleh found out ur blog.. but i guess by following one link to another (not that i'm a stalker ya, haha!)
Anyway, i lived in Chch, and it's damn proud (and a bit envy, hehe) to see a malaysian as succesful as you.
All the best to you and enjoy ur South Island trip!
Cheers mate!
So proud of you Dee. You have made such an impact on the kiwis. I am proud coz you have opened up the eyes of the westerners that Asians are more than talented, we are all nice people with good hearts. YOu have represented Malaysia very well.
dah, hapuslah air matamu, usahlah bersedih...
Yes, Dee, bak kata Tania, "Thank you for being you Zahidi".Gile impact kata-kata tersebut.
Beta yang takde kene-mengene ni pun turut emo membaca.
Hi Anonymous,
Thank you for visiting my blog. Hey! I will be visiting Chch soon ... 15 sampai 17 sept ni. Keep in touch ya .. my number 021-103 9986
Kalau boleh jumpa Malaysian kat Chch best jugak ... he he he
Thanks again :)
Thanks Wiz for being happy for me ... and yes .. aku sedang cuba menghapuskan airmata ni. La ni ada di Wellington ... baru balik jumpa adik my best friend.
Dapat makan Nasi Lemak Sambal Udang petai. Yay!!!! Terus hilang kesedihan.
Thanks Mask & Madi dan juga Abg Ali ( kalau tak silap) ... sembang panjang tapi tak dapat nak tangkap nama tuan rumah ... he he he ... malu jer ..
ops! apalah aku merapu di ruang yg salah ni ha.
La... lupa nak ambil gambar tadi ... hu hu hu
Tu lah Lisa,
Saya pun terdiam dan hampir tak dapat berkata-kata lepas membaca email tersebut. Terharu sungguh.
Memang emo Tuanku :(
Wah Zahidi, aku agak dah depa mesti suka kat hang coz kat mana2 hang pi farewell mesti sedih punyer dan aku dan member2 lain dah rasa semua tu.
Mesti lepas ni depa sunyi giler nak dengar jokes hang.
Don't worry,Hang still ada FB dan blog utk kawan2.
Salam Dee,
Speechless...that's the word i want to say after reading your last post. I'm proud to hear that you managed to 'pin' their heart by being 'yourself'. You might have done something right! heheh..proud of you my friend!
p/s: jgn lupa post all those lovely pics ye. Remember, i dnt have FB :)
Hi Zan,
I just be myself ... depa kata aku ni genuine dan tak ada politic ... he he he.
Aku tak merapu sangat kat sini. Just stay positive dan sentiasa buat yang terbaik. Satu lagi aku pastikan kalau apa yang aku cakap. Aku kena buat. Itu jer lah.
Memang sedih siot lah farewell kali ni. Teringat masa nak tinggal Nansin dulu.
Btw, aku dah jumpa adik hang kat Welly. Tapi terlupa ambil gambar lah.
Thanks Kyra ... nanti I cuba postkan gambar-gambar kat sini. Penat berjalan di bulan posa ni. Anyway, memang best.
Bukalah akaun fb Kyra ... eh! tapi kat facebook saya tak letak gambaq lagi ... he he he
salam aidilfitri.. Bro Ahau-dee, congratulation!!!!! hehehehe.. sorry sesangat ucapkan tahniah berjaya turunkan berat badan dan nampak lebih slim.. actually i'm happy for you too... its really really good and actually suprise for me that u really completely ur bodyweight.. hahahah... bleh jadi model untuk saya tak...?
Terima Kasih Scrlettfr... nak jadi model tak ada masalah ... bila-bila masa boleh. He he he
Selamat Hari Ray yer :)
Salam D. Aza pun emo gak baca mail si Tania. After all, u deserve that. Keep it up anyway. Aza ingat kalau war2kan mail tu pada pejabat PM mahu hang bleh dapat "Datukship" lepas ni D... kira hang pun mengharumkan nama Malaysia apa... betul tak? Kalau orang lain balik dari pelayaran, menang pingat emas etc bleh dapat datukship kenapa tak hang kan kan kan? hehehe
Anyway, happy holidays... tak sabar tunggu hang balik. Iye la kitaorang kat sini happy menghitung hari tunggu hang balik, tak sangka plak kitaorang bakal happy atas kesedihan orang lain...kihkihkih... macam pernah dengar je ayat2 sebegitu dalam gossip2 artis...
Apa2 pun D... hang memang the bomb la... wa caya lu...
Alamak Aza! Buat malu jer lah ... apa lah sangat my contribution ... wa ka ka
Thanks anyway. Tak sabar nak buat re-union dengan ratu-ratu ku ... wa ka ka.
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