Berikut adalah gambar-gambar yang diambil oleh Ang, my new friend yang datang ke New Zealand untuk satu projek khas. Aku pergi Piha & Waitakere dengan dia lah dan hobi dia ambil gambar. Camera pulak canggih ... dan inilah hasilnya. Lawa gilerrrr ... except yang jadi model tu ler... ha ha ha
Dan ini Titanic versi Ahau-Dee ... kah kah kah ... tapi udara dia memang segar dan nyaman sekali. Sesungguhnya aku bersyukur pada Tuhan sebab dapat melihat dan merasai keindahan dunia ciptaanNya. Alhamdulillah.
Ahau - Dee
memang cantik ler tempat2 tu, tenang.... tak sabar dah nak sampai sana....
Dee, mcm you ngeliat je, tak mcm titanic pun, ahaks. How come you didn't tell me about this place? Best gak kalu pergi.
Dee with camera canggih anyone can take beautiful pictures. You need to learn the features and a few tricks of the trade. And for that to happen kena invest la in a good camera. I nak beli yang 399 ni pun terketor-ketor, hu hu hu
I simply love the profile picture of you in black and white (second last one in the post). The picture is great, the subject is just perfectly YOU.
I guess yes, a really good camera can do wonders. And knowing the subject (with all his strengths as well as his imperfections) makes you look at the picture differently. All is good. No! All is great, Dee!
Aku tunggu ko datang okay. Jangan tak datang.Masa tu winter.So, bersedialah dengan baju tebal-tabal. I hate winter.
Masa you datang hari tu,I baru lagi. Tak tahu tempat ni. Lagipun,Ang yang ajak I pergi.Kalau tak, tak sampai lagi.Dia lebih adventurous and I've learnt something from him.Lepas ni I dah target at least sebulan satu tempat. Rugi kalau tak explore.
Itu versi Ahau-Dee lah Wiz sebab tu nampak macam ngeliat ... he he he. Eh! datanglah lagi... kan you tak sampai South Island lagi?
Next target to buy good camera bila balik M'sia nanti. Kat sini mahal.
Thanks Enida. Actually gambar tu candid. I tak tahu pun dia ambil gambar tu. Tengah dok menghayati keindahan pantai sambil mencari sudut yang terbaik.
Sekarang ni rasa macam nak start hobi baru pulak ... ambil gambar.Tapi tunggulah dulu. Balik Malaysia baru beli. Then, Kitreena & Edrick jadi model I okay?
Btw Wiz,
Are you sure your camera 399 jer? Is it the price or model no? Coz I tengok your pictures cantik2 belaka. Betul ker ni?
Serious, a 399 rgt camera. Tak tipu. Terror tak I?
Huh! Dahsyatlah Wiz ... ko ni bukan jer pandai buat kek ... ambil gambar pun pandai. So, my camera yg 700 tu should od wonders lah kan?
Kena fikir balik ni ... nak upgrade ataupun tak?
MasyaAllah.Gorgeous!!!The scenery that is.Model pun buleh tahan.Enida's right, the BW picture of you pondering is pure poetry!I too simpan cita-cita nak take up photography, but now cita-cita terbantut dek gara² sock-monkey (panjang citer, Encik).
Ish! janganlah ber 'encik' la signora ... call me Dee jer. Thanks. Tak sangka ramai yang suka gambar tu.
Apa tu sock-monkey? .. tak faham daa
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