Di petik dari Blog Wiz :-
Father & Son
In my quest of searching New Zealand's best places of interest via the Internet, I stumbled upon a Malaysian blogger living in Auckland. Awkwardly being a stranger to this kind man, I asked him for his assistance in suggesting some of the venues he felt worth going. Graciously, Dee as he is known amongst his friends, tipped me off with an endless places to visit list, answered many of my silly questions and agreed to meet up during my stay there. That was 2 months ago.
From then on we became friends and recently he became my customer when he ordered a very special cake for his son who is staying with his sister in Puchong. He had the moon and the stars for this cake and if he could wish for the sun, he would line them all up in a row with the entire solar system as the background for his little guy. A wish like that sweeps you off easily and switches your maternal mode on.
When that happens, you bake not just from your heart but with your heart. Baking and decorating the cake turned into a family affair for all of us. My son helped in choosing his favourite Ben 10 picture, my daughter had her hand in selecting the hotwheels and my husband helped me in locating the house in the hours before the break of fast.
We wanted to surprise the little guy with a cake before buka puasa. But unfortunately we arrived a tad too late.It's not the best looking cake you have ever seen folks but in assurance it was the sincerest of cakes I have ever made. And I do so hope they could taste the earnest of thoughts we had put inside amongst the many other ingredients. It was a cake from one family to another.
Thanks Dee for the order.
Note : Thanks Wiz for the great posting ! Something to remember : )
Ahau - Dee
this is such a lovely post.oh, quick cure for constipation (the omputeh way) prune juice OR makan buah tin (dried figs or fresh figs).er, i usually haunt Kak Mas's blog (a close friend of Uda).and that kek?adoihhhh...sodappp aieh.
Hi la signora,
Terima kasih kerana sudi singgah. Saya pun kenal Uda. Thanks for the tips jugak ... nanti saya cuba.
Post kali ni by Wiz.Perghh! Memang hebat dia orang ni kalau tulis ... Wiz, Mas $ Enida tu memang satu gang & hebat2 dalam bercerita.
Kek tu ... saya pun telan air liur jer ... he he he
singgahlah selalu.
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